A major advantage of item 1464T is that you can purchase several different additional kits to perform other tests as well, including the high pressure circuit test in common rail engines:
• 1464ADB for testing AdBlue® system pressure
• 1464VD for measuring and storing maximum vacuum value
• 1464FAP for testing diesel particulate filter (DPF) pressure
• 1464APB for testing high pressure system in FSI petrol engines
• 1464PF for testing pressure in braking system
• 1464PT for testing turbo pressure
• 1464TDI for testing pump pressure in TDI engines
• 1464FG Set of dummy regulators for testing diesel common rail system
• 1464CBD Comprehensive adapter set for testing compression in petrol and diesel engines
• 1464IC Set of dummy injectors and dummy glow plugs to check compression in diesel engines
• 960AD/TP2 for petrol and diesel engine compression, engine oil pressure, common rail low pressure, petrol injection pressure